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Outdoor Learning

OID: E10185249 


This Erasmus+ Course provides an experiential programme where our participants will be introduced to outdoor learning activities, digital Apps connected to Outdoor learning and the opportunity for sharing and networking with colleagues interested in ways of teaching outside of the classroom’s walls.

Course Objectives

To promote learning outside the classroom

To use digital Apps to create outdoor activities for different school subjects

To use outdoor activities for environmental awareness

To exchange best practices and share experiences about outdoor learning

To discuss challenges of outdoor settings

Outdoor Education is one of the most innovative educational approaches not only in the European context, but also worldwide. Unfortunately, the new generations of children and youth have fewer opportunities for direct and authentic experiences in nature, making outdoor education a good solution to the challenge of reconnection to the natural world. Moreover, the outdoor experience can be extremely motivating and can create great opportunities for meaningful learning experiences, both for students and for teachers if the activities are carefully chosen and applied. That is why it can also be used to raise environmental awareness in a motivating way.

Through learning curricular subjects outdoors, our students will be able to grow social and personal skills and develop a sense of wonder and responsibility for the natural world.

The goal of this course is to equip participants with tools, ideas, and practical knowledge on how to organise outdoor education in various contexts and how to incorporate outdoor learning into their teaching.

There are many reasons why teachers should use outdoor learning in their teaching, including: increased engagement, improved physical health, enhanced learning outcomes, development of social and emotional skills, connection with nature.

Thanks to this Erasmus+ course the participants will:

  • get acquainted with outdoor education and teaching outside the classroom;

  • discuss the challenges and benefits of outdoor education

  • learn how to incorporate outdoor learning into multiple subjects

  • exchange best practices and share experiences about outdoor learning

  • connect outdoor learning with environemental care

Target Audience

  • Teachers of different subjects

  • Teacher trainers

  • Career officers, educational guides and counsellors

  • Head teachers/managers of organisations offering adult education

Required Competences

  • Basic knowledge of main PC programmes and use of Internet

  • Knowledge of the course language: English


  • The course is highly practical and participative with hands-on approach. Our focus is on learning in an interactive and international environment knowledge applicable to the real contexts outside the classroom.

  • Participants are expected to play an active role. They will work in transnational groups during the course period.

  • During the last part of the course participants will share their own teaching experience related to outdoor activities.

  • An evaluation questionnaire will be given to the participants to gather participants’ opinions about the training and its contents, logistic organisation, instructors, materials provided and asses to which extent the course managed to improve participants’ competences in the field of interactive and innovative teaching.


Prior to the beginning of the training, participants will be sent the detailed programme of the course along with a pre-departure support consisting of the necessary information required to reach destination and successfully manage within the course period in the new country.

Participants will be asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding their backgrounds/needs. Questions will refer to their interest and experience in educational games, outdoor activities, WEB 2.0 tools, their teaching backgrounds, level of course language.

Course Information

  • Participants who attend at least 80% of the course will receive a Certificate of Attendance on the last day.

  • Classes are scheduled either in the morning or in the afternoon, and the programme schedule may slightly vary from the preliminary one. 

  • For the course programme, please send us an email at

  • According to the topic of the course, participants may need to bring their own laptops.

  • The opportunities to visit the city and the neighbourhood will be introduced to the participants before the beginning of the course.

Course Fees

The cost is EUR 80 per day per participant.

You can opt for 3/4/5/6/7/10-day sessions.

The fee doesn't cover accommodation, meals, and social activities (though we can help with recommendations).

The price includes:

Course materials

Assistance with needed documents

Certificate of attendance

Coffee breaks

Upcoming Sessions

You can find the upcoming course sessions below. Other periods can be booked upon request for more than five participants.

24.03 – 28.03   ●   Konstanz, Germany

26.04 – 30.04   ●   Paris, France

12.05 – 16.05   ●   Helsinki, Finland

14.07 – 18.07   ●   Oslo, Norway

25.08 – 29.08   ●   Konstanz, Germany

27.10 – 31.10   ●   Barcelona, Spain

Erasmus+ Course .for teachers, Classroom Management.jpeg

Refine your teaching approach, exploring innovative methods using WEB 2.0 tools, outdoor activities, and educational games, to create dynamic learning environments and motivate students.

Erasmus+ course for Teachers, Classroom Management

Refine your classroom management and teaching style with practical alternatives to traditional methods, tackling modern challenges through effective strategies.

Erasmus+ course for Teachers, Education for Sustainable Future

Explore integrating sustainability topics into your lessons, to foster sustainability literacy among student, through outdoor learning and digital apps.

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